How to reduce weight without diet and exercise

What is Obesity ?? According to medical dictionary, obesity is a condition where there is excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body. Reduce obesity Without diet and exercise What causes obesity ? 1. Faulty Life-style -: When balance between calorie input and calorie output is disturbed. Metabolism of food emanates energy. Part of this energy is being utilised by the cell to perform various activities. The remaining energy should be burned solely by physical activity. 2. Consequences of Disease Condition -: Due to imbalance of hormone. As in, Hypothyroidism Cushing's Syndrome PCOD, etc 3. Familial Tendency -: Obesity frequently runs in families Obese parents frequently having obese children. How to reduce weight without diet and exercise ? Have you ever thought that despite eating healthy food why don't we lose weight ??!!! It's all about TIME .... We all know the importance of eating healthy food b...