Control HYPERTENSION Scientifically | Cause Of Sudden High Blood Pressure| Very High Blood Pressure Range| Food to AVOID with HYPERTENSION| Best Way To Control HYPERTENSION

Defination of HYPERTENSION .


It is persistance rise of Basal Blood Pressure above the arbitrary level of 140/90mm of Hg

It is one of the major Risk for Cardio-vascular disease, Stroke, Kidney failure

The higher the pressure, the greater the risk and lower the expectation of life

Bulk of mortality associated with HYPERTENSION is due to -:
1. Coronary heart disease- In western countries 
2. Stroke - In Japan, Taiwan and India

Only few populations, either living at high altitude or belonging to primitive cultures seems to have exceptionally low blood pressure. 


Onset of the disease is insidious, it is diagnosed accidentally during Routine Examination
Blood pressure stage


Target organ of blood sugar

Risk factors for HYPERTENSION:

Following are the risks for HYPERTENSION 
1. Genetic factor
2. Obesity
3. Lack of physical activity 
4. Dietary habit -
     Wrong food habit may lead to high blood pressure 
5. Psychological factor -
      Stress, tension, anxiety increases blood pressure 
6. Secondary factor-
  As a result of some disease like, Diabetis, Kidney related disease,
  Contraceptive pills, Chronic heart disease

Prevention of HYPERTENSION :


Dietary change are of paramount importance. 
Food to be eaten in high blood pressure

Food to be avoided

1. Salt -
 Reduction of salt to an average of not more than 5g/day
Salt is hygroscopic, that means, it absorbs water or moisture.
Increase of sodium chloride or salt in blood vessels causing extra fluid in blood stream and the result is high blood pressure.

2. Saturated fat- 
Saturated fat raises blood pressure as well as serum cholesterol.
Satured fat are rich in animal fats and dairy products, like,
                             Cheese, etc

3. Alcohol -
 High alcohol intake is associated with increase risk of  HYPERTENSION. Alcohol is rich in sugar and calories with causes weight gain.

Food to intake

1. Potassium rich diet - 
Potassium antagonizes the biological effects of  Sodium, thereby reduces blood pressure.
High dietary sodium, low dietary potassium have been implicated in the aetiology of HYPERTENSION.
             Food rich in potassium includes
                                Dry fruits
                                Beans or legumes

2. Calcium Rich Diet -
It strengthens the membrane of vessels. Calcium is a vasodilator which dilates the vessels of blood.
Milk and Milk Products are rich in Calcium.

3. Magnesium Rich Diet - 
Magnesium prevents constriction of blood vessels, as a result blood pressure reduces.
Whole wheat is a good source of Magnesium.

Weight Reduction / Exercise Promotion :

Obesity is one of the risk factors for HYPERTENSION. When people with high blood pressure lose weight, their blood pressure gradually decreases. Physical activity leads to a fall in body weight, body lipid and blood pressure. Hence, to control risk-factor physical activity should be encouraged. 

Behavioural Changes :

Reduction of stress and smoking, modification of personal life-style, yoga and transcendental meditation could be profitable.

Self - care :

One should take his own blood pressure and keep a log - book of his reading. By doing so, anyone can moniter themselves.

Secondary Prevention :

As mentioned earlier, HYPERTENSION can be the result of other disease conditions. So, early detection with appropriate treatment is required. Get your Routine Examination done.

If you keep the above mentioned things in mind then you can easily control the blood pressure 


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