Control HYPERTENSION Scientifically | Cause Of Sudden High Blood Pressure| Very High Blood Pressure Range| Food to AVOID with HYPERTENSION| Best Way To Control HYPERTENSION

Defination of HYPERTENSION . It is persistance rise of Basal Blood Pressure above the arbitrary level of 140/90mm of Hg It is one of the major Risk for Cardio-vascular disease, Stroke, Kidney failure The higher the pressure, the greater the risk and lower the expectation of life Bulk of mortality associated with HYPERTENSION is due to -: 1. Coronary heart disease- In western countries 2. Stroke - In Japan, Taiwan and India Only few populations, either living at high altitude or belonging to primitive cultures seems to have exceptionally low blood pressure. Stages of HYPERTENSION: Onset of the disease is insidious, it is diagnosed accidentally during Routine Examination ORGAN AFFECTED BY HYPERTENSION-: Risk factors for HYPERTENSION: Following are the risks for HYPERTENSION 1. Genetic factor 2. Obesity 3. Lack of physical activity 4. Dietary habit - Wrong food habit may lead to high bloo...